DEVINE GREEN ESSENTIALZ is the new home for everything DUTCH. If you want to be apart of the biggest movement created by a indie artist single handedly the experiece is to allow you to have variety. not to many stores allow you the option of having a little of everything some try and take advantage.
Did you know that we have live shopping options so dont feel on your own if you get a little confused simple reach out to our live customer service to get all your questions answered. Also be aware the store gets updated every 24 hours or less so watch closey for unexpected changes.
We are also a private establishment and reserve the right to sell or not sell to any person or business. prices and products are subject to change update or removal without notice which is our right. We alsodo not do anty refunds of any kind all sales are final and will not be returned so please be sure about your purchases.
Some of our items are made by hand and may take longer than normal to mail or create , dont worry you will be adised of any delays that might accure the moment any issue presents itself and please know we will work rapidly to retify any issue that may accur. Happy shopping thanks for choosing DEVINE GREEN ESSENTIALZ.COM
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