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Welcome to my new ecommerce webstore! And thanks for choosing "DEVINE GREEN ESSENTIALZ" webstore! Here in DEVINE GREEN ESSENTIALZ ONLINE WEBSTORE we take pleasure in finally opening our doors to our public. We are so excited about our GRAND OPENING this has been Along time coming, so we appreciate the support and praise and we plan to shoot for the stars. Join our journey to excellence. Our goal is to past your widest expectation. This a superstore where we carry everything made by our queen of green. If you are here to support "THE QUEEN OF GREEN AKA DUTCHESS DEVINE" from this day forwward consider your self a Devine Green Lifer.
Attention D.G.L from now on you will be referred to as our "DEVINE GREEN LIFERS". So when you hear that phrase know we are taking to you. This year in 2025, is the year of the green. Hard work has made this option presented itself giving us a opportunity of a life time, we are taking advantage, of this chance as should you. Now is the time for all of our Devine Lifers to support the movement. Congrats you finally get the chance to roam the world of green. Getting a glimpse at all of THE QUEEN OF GREEN creations for 2025.this milestone allowed us to leave the door open for our supporters to get up close and personal with the green.
Are you a big fan of the world of green? yes, great first thank you so much and we look forward to taking this journey with you. Use this opportunity to show your support by making a donation or tip toward one of her many projects that supports our mission just to name a few here are some of those projects we offer listed below:
includes everythings from: tshirts, sweaters, hats, caps, skullies. gloves, scarf, coats, sneakers, shoes, bags. back packs and so much more. Change your wardrobe. our name brands include:
DUTCH DUNAMIS: Created by the Dutchess Devine - FOR WOMEN- FOR MEN- UNISEX
with so much to offer dont waiste your time going anywhere else when you have a one stop shop right here with us. When i say anythhing dont sell yourself short maybe your looking for customized something like home curtains, bed spreads, home fixtures, and more when it comes to that DUTCHESS created a line that specialize in just that dedicated to her mom. Booie Lee home care line has all you need for your homes tools we specialize in things like plates, rags, towels, glasses, cups. transform your home overnight on a budget. If you can imagine it DEVINE GREEN ESSENTIALZ can probrably make it. We also offer artist merch by artist like: THE DUTCHESS AKA MRS, MISUNDERSTOOD. Including things like her cds, posters, mugs, books, clothing and more.
We also will be adding other merch from upcoming artist. get everything you need so stay tuned. Are you just starting your business maybe you need business cards, flyers, cd art work, maybe something simple like stationary for your business. We even offer personal or business websites, do you have your business plans and propoasals for your business.maybe you need funding for your business. We can help you with grant or writing and more we have and do it all what you waiting for.
I guess the best ways to describe the experience in the green is to come a try it out for yourself, no hassles or hidden fees, expedited shipping and the ability to order unquie creations. dont miss this chance to shine. Thanks again for choosing; DEVINE GREEN ESSENTIALZ Webstore. May we take this opportunity to wish you a amazing life dont be a stranger.
Happy Devine Green